The black sea coast and Sochi history
Fortress in Sochi historyAmong them the fortress on the river Godlik of area Lazarevskogo, a medieval temple in settlement Loo, etc. Mediaeval the epoch in vicinities of Sochi, - as marks archeologist JU.N.raven, - is submitted by significant number городищ, fortresses and temples ". At northeast coast of the Black sea in time (4-1 centuries up to AD) lived tribes ahev, zihov and geniohov, and the first centuries of our era occupied the basic territory of modern Sochi which before entered into a conglomerate tribes. In Middle Ages tribes live in area Sochi language group, and in first half XIX centuries adygi (shapsugi, ubyhi, abasins. Monuments of a history of aboriginals of this territory were kept till our times and demand complex studying. Since second half XVI century Caucasus turns to arena of struggle of Russia with Turkey and Persia. This struggle comes to an end in 1829 signing of the peace treaty, on which conditions the Black Sea coast from a mouth of the river Kuban up to Sacred Nikolay's fort (to the south poti) has departed Russia. During the Caucasian war in 30th years of XIX century the Black Sea coastal line consisted of coastal strengthening, intended for protection of coast has been created. In territory of Sochi Russian armies had been constructed (forts): Sacred Spirit (Adler), Alexandria (Sochi), fort Lazareva (Lazarevskoe), Golovinsky and others. The rests of fortifications of forts were kept and are monuments of a history. After the termination of the Caucasian war (1864г.) indigenous population - adygi (shapsugi, ubyhi, abasins - has been compelled to leave(abandon) the native ground. Since 1966 after the statement " Regulations about settling of the Black Sea district " process began movements in this area. Territory of Sochi Armenians, Georgians, Greeks, Estonians, Moldavians and occupy Russian, Ukrainians, Byelorussians , other nationalities representing motley national structure of modern Sochi. All previous and subsequent events have predetermined occurrence and development of the future city - resort of Sochi. After the termination of the Caucasian war in 1864 studying medical factors of the Black Sea coast of Caucasus and its development begins. During this period at the Black Sea coast quickly there was a process of the unit of the grounds. The government was unable to solve a problem of industrial development of edge(territory), and will cope with it was possible only on the basis of the private capital. Russian bourgeoisie, in turn, has felt benefit from this territory. Here there were new opportunities of application of the capital, expansion of the incomes. In 1868 when in a seal of steel appear notes about distribution of the grounds on Caucasus, the group of intellectuals decided to make company of people knowing not only an agriculture, but also the factory industry. Organizers of this company became brothers Peter and Alexander Vereshchaginy. The company included 50 members. They have paid attention to the Black Sea coast of Caucasus and Sochi where has been solved to arrange the central settlement. " As always in these cases it happens, - writes Ф.П. Well-wishers - the author of the directory " the Black Sea coast of Caucasus " in 1916, - comrades were scattered on all coast, but the business of colonization started by them has not stopped ". Further the author marks, that in 1872 in N.N.Mamontova's manor the country house "Belief" has been built. This construction can be counted the first country construction in territory of the Big Sochi. Then some decline in country construction of Sochi is observed. The important page in a history of development of a resort of Sochi is activity special committee on studying the Black Sea coast from Novorossisk up to Sukhumi, begun the work in 1898. The structure of the commission included professors A.I.Voejkov, F.I.Pasternatsky and mountain engineer A.V.Sergey. The report of the commission has been submitted at 1 All-Russia congress on климатологии, hydrologies and balneology in Petersburg in 1898. From reports testified, that due to presence of natural riches of the Black Sea coast occurrence of balneological and climatic resorts is possible. However for this purpose solid means, support were required on the part of the government and assistance of skilled persons in this business. The imperial government was removed from the decision of this problem, but business moved ahead due to activity of private persons and their capital investments.
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