Pskov city, Russia (Pskow)

A complete travel guide to Pskov , all information about Pskov (Pskow) — including geography, history, politics, government, economy, population statistics, culture, religion, languages, as well as a map and the flag.

  • Pskov city phone code - +7-8112; postal codes - 180000-180xxx.

Pskov flag

Pskov  flag

Pskov coat of arms

Pskov  coat of arms

Pskov map, Russia

Pskov  map of Russia

Pskov is another historic Russian City in the Pskov Region. The City celebrated its 1,100 year anniversary in 2003. Pskov is the Capital of the Pskov administrative region. The City suffered considerable damage to its buildings and infrastructure following German invasion of Russia during the Second World War.

Despite this, there are numerous buildings and artifacts on display in the city, reminders of its rich history and cultural past. Pskov has an estimated population of 300, 000 residents.

Economy in Pskov :

Pskov City is the main commerce and industrial centre for the Pskov region. The region has a healthy industrial sector which features; electronics, food processing, metal works, construction materials and communications. Agriculture in the region produces; potatoes, flax and livestock.

Tourism in Pskov :

Pskov boasts a number of historic buildings and monuments in near-pristine condition. These include; the Snetogorsky Monastery, Mirozhsky Abbey and the Local Kremlin Building. You can also visit the Sebezhsky National Park which is home to a wide range of wildlife including; Wild boar, fox, beaver, otter and moose.

Transport in Pskov :

The City is served by the Pskov International Airport which also caters for domestic flights. Travel within the city is fairly easy with frequent buses, taxi and a rail network that links the City to Moscow and St Petersburg.

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